Gilbertville Public Library
Policy on Children and Their Behavior in the Library
The library welcomes children of all ages to use and enjoy our facilities, collections, and programs. While the library attempts to provide a safe environment, the library is not responsible for a childs personal safety while in or outside of the building. No public place can guarantee the safety of children, and the staff does not provide daycare or babysitting services. Therefore, this policy has been adopted for the protection of young library users.
1.All children 8 and under must be accompanied by a parent or mature caregiver (twelve and over) who is responsible for the child, except during programs.
2.Children 9 to 11 may be left unattended for programs or for short periods of time (two hours or less). They should be able to contact a responsible adult if their time exceeds two hours or for any other reason.
3.Children and their caregivers should be aware of the closing times of the library. If left alone after the library is closed, the Gilbertville police will be contacted to escort the child to the police station after closing hours. The staff will not take the child outside the building, give the child a ride home, or offer the child a seat in his or her vehicle.
4.Parents/Caregivers are responsible for their childs behavior. Disruptive behavior such as shouting, running, pushing, or abusing library materials will not be tolerated. After verbal warnings, we ask disruptive children to leave the building as their behavior could pose a safety hazard and/or disrupt the use of the library by others. If the child is unaccompanied and under 12, the parent will be contacted.
5.Children should not bring food or uncovered beverages into the library unless they have a medical condition or if the items are to be served as part of a library program.
6.Bicycles and roller skates/blades are to be left outside the building. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen bikes, skates, or other belongings..